LipiFlow Treatment For Dry Eye


Thermal Pulsation System

Safe, Proven Technology

The LipiFlow™ Thermal Pulsation System is designed to treat Dry Eye Disease resulting from MGD, or Meibomian Gland Disorder, a common cause of Dry Eye discomfort. The Meibomian glands, which are located in the upper and lower eyelids, secrete meibum, a protective lipid layer that prevents evaporation of the aqueous tear film. At times, these glands can become obstructed, causing ocular irritation and dry eye resulting from rapid evaporation of the aqueous tear film, which protects your eyes by keeping them lubricated.

LipiFlow Thermal Pulsation for Dry Eyes

Apart from an initial anesthetic drop for patient comfort, LipiFlow™ is a drug-free treatment which works by administering precise gentle heat and peristaltic motion to liquify and remove gland obstructions. 

Treatment usually lasts less than 15 minutes and is performed in our specialized clinic.

MGD may account for up to two-thirds of dry eye disease presentations, so there is a good chance that the LipiFlow™ System can be the right treatment for you.

Call or Contact us today to find out if this treatment is suitable for you.

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